Depression Story From Maureen
Hi. A friend of mine, Maureen, has had past experiences with depression and she has allowed me to share what she wrote to me on this web site. So here it is.
Thankyou for your web page on depression. I could relate to most of what you said. My depression came later on in life and I feel it was because I was in a very controlling relationship for twenty-four years and had a life I did not want. I thought of everyone else and did not look after myself. I soon realised I had to look after me first and then think of everyone else.
When I got depression it was like a black cloud coming over me. I did not want to speak to anyone. I could not be happy about anything, everything was black. I cried a lot. The least thing set me off. My kids suffered through this terrible situation and stood by me, loved me and supported me. That is what kept me going when all seemed black.
I finally got help and found out that I am the type of person who finds it hard to make decisions in life if it will hurt someone else. So I stayed in a very unhealthy unhappy relationship because I could not make the decision to leave. I got very ill through this and I felt like I was trapped. I did finally make the decision to leave and when I did my whole life changed. My depression went away and I was happy again for the first time in years.
What I got from this is that you can suffer from depression if you are in a place in your life that you don’t want to be. I now see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have learnt to tell people how I feel and what I want.
I am very happy now and have no more depression. That’s why I say thankyou for your web page. Suffering depression is a hard thing to admit to and if it helps one person from depression I will be happy.