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Archive for the ‘Stress matters’

Time management and stress and depression

January 29, 2008 By: John Category: Attitude, Depression Causes, Stress matters 1 Comment →

As a follow on from the post entitled ” Take the time – Life is short” I thought about how it would be beneficial to mull over how we often tend to think that we seldom have the time to do all of the things that we would like to accomplish. This then becomes a self-imposed pressure to get things done.

Unfortunately, this pressure then develops into stress, which can manifest itself in the form of depression when we often fail to meet these [often unrealistic] self-imposed pressures. We then tend to place MORE pressure on ourselves and the process becomes akin to a snowball. Then the depression deepens, and so it goes.

Eventually we reach the stage where rational thinking may be replaced by anxiety or even panic attacks.

We could take some anti-depressant medication which would make us feel euphoric for a while before developing a “could not care less” attitude about anything and everything, including the task that we wanted to complete, our appearance, and state of health, as I experienced when I reluctantly took such medication.

It would be far better to control our emotions in relation to our time management by thinking, “What is the worst thing that can happen if I do not accomplish these tasks in the desired time frame?” When we think this way we will often realize that these time frames are not such a big deal and, if we take some time out as suggested in “Take the Time – Life is short,” we will probably be much more relaxed and able to do a better job of the task when we turn to it.

What Foods Can Combat Depression, Anxiety and Stress?

December 19, 2007 By: John Category: Depression Information, Good Mood Foods, Natural cures for depression, Overcoming depression, Stress matters 12 Comments →

Perhaps the question should be, “Can foods combat depression, anxiety and stress?” or, “How to use food to combat depression, anxiety and stress?”

There are quite a lot of foods that are said to be conducive to combating depression, anxiety and stress. Psychologist, David Benton, of Britain’s University of Wales has conducted studies showing that chocolate is one of the most powerful mood elevators. Benton says chocolate contains not just serotonin-boosting sugar and mind-soothing fat, but also other chemicals that favorably affect brain messengers [neurotransmitters] controlling mood.

However, Professor Robert Sapolsky [Ph.D. Neuroendocrinology] of Stanford University states, in his lectures on “Biology and Human Behavior: The Neurological Origins of Individuality”, that neurotransmitters are constructed from cheap and plentiful precursors – simple amino acids that you get in your diet in huge amounts. He also advises that they can be constructed very quickly and can be recycled. So it appears that there may be something, other than the composition of mood enhancing foods, that has a beneficial effect.

There is no doubt that most people enjoy eating. We consume a variety of foods and treats, including highly processed “junk foods”. We enjoy eating so much that we may indulge in restaurant meals, often as a special treat to celebrate occasions such as a birthday, a promotion at work, for a romantic interlude, or for no specific reason at all, other than to enjoy the experience. Just think of the many other occasions when we partake of food, including beverages, at social gatherings viz: following christenings, weddings, office parties, and even wakes when we celebrate the life of a departed friend or relative.

The enjoyment of eating can make a person feel good and have a beneficial effect on the mood of the consumer. This increase in feeling happy or contented has a corresponding reduction in the feelings of being depressed, anxious, or stressed. Even believing that certain foods can improve a person’s mood can do just that by virtue of the placebo effect. The placebo effect is the result of how our bodies react to what we believe in, either consciously or subconsciously, even when that is not necessarily the case. The saying, “If you think you can, you can, and if you think you can’t, you can’t,” is quite valid and shows just how powerful our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings (all closely related) can be and how they can impact, in a positive or negative manner, on our bodies.

I believe that any foods that produce an enjoyable feeling may be useful in combating depression, anxiety and stress. So what may be beneficial foods for one person may not have the same impact on another. It is the enjoyment gained from eating that matters most as it is this feeling that triggers our neurons to release neurotransmitters such as seratonin, which is our body’s narural opiate.

Food and drink with a high GI [glycemic index] rating also provide us with a relatively quick burst of energy that can make us feel better.

Unfortunately, the benefits of eating foods with a high GI rating give a quick fix of short duration. The refined sugars and fats are considered to be empty calories as they provide the rapid, unsustained, release of energy. When this energy dissipates a period of lethargy follows. When this occurs you will often get an urge to eat more of the high GI foods to increase your energy levels and replenish feelings of well-being again. Eating low GI food and snacks will provide a gradual release of energy that prevents the “yo-yo” effect, or highs and lows, associated with high GI foods.

It is not only the highly refined foods that have a high GI rating; sodas are right up there with them as sodas invariably have a high sugar content, especially sports drinks.

If necessary, a compromise may be to eat a banana [high GI] to get a quick impact plus a few almonds [low GI] as a snack to obtain a sustained benefit.

Everything needs to be taken in moderation, even natural cures for depression. Take care, as too much chocolate, caffeine, or sodas may result in weight gain that could have the opposite effect and cause depression. Luckily, you can enjoy some chocolate and keep your weight under control as it is claimed that only small amounts are needed to produce the desired effect.

Whilst eating your favorite foods may improve your mood substantially, a shift away from negative thoughts, may be all that is needed to correct the “chemical imbalance” that many medical practitioners quickly blame for states of depression and anxiety etc? You may end up being a happier person without the need to resort to drugs that have dubious benefits and may result in a life long addiction to them!

How To Find Happiness

November 02, 2007 By: John Category: Attitude, Natural cures for depression, Recovery from depression, Stress matters 2 Comments →

There is no doubt that happy and contented people seem to have very few problems with depression. They are generally calm, except when they are excited from having a good time, and they seldom seem to get stressed out. On the other hand, those people who suffer from depression are often stressed, withdrawn, melancholy, continually tired or exhausted, sad, and worry a lot, amongst other things.

This leads me to believe that, if people suffering from depression can become happy, perhaps their dark cloud of depression will lift and fade away. After all, the ancient Greeks believed [rightly so] that the best cure for melancholia was singing and dancing.

Now I know that there are some morbid and sad songs about and there are some theatrical dance routines that depict tragedy and pathos, but The ancient Greeks and I are referring to pleasant, happy music and dancing. Both singing and dancing stimulate the body to produce endorphins that are the body’s answer to opiates. The endorphins give us a natural high and make us feel good. This is why it is best to stop moping around if you happen to be depressed and DO something physical.

It is also good to take time out to do something new, or something that we have not allowed ourselves time for recently, but we thoroughly enjoy the activity. This compels us to concentrate on the activity at hand and to stop the continual re-visiting the past and ruminating about what should have been done, what could have been done, and what I should have said, blaming oneself for being foolish, etc. etc. ad nauseum. If you suffer, or have ever suffered, from depression, you will know what I am talking about.

I believe that we should always endeavor to be happy, calm, and contented, and live our lives in the present rather than in the past.

This is why I recommend the e-book, How To Find Happiness, written by Jennifer Summers. It is a great guide to health and happiness as attested to by Doctor Phyllis Gold, author of “Happiness – do what it takes” who said about How To Find Happiness:-

“If you want to increase your confidence and reduce the stress and anxiety in your life, then this program is second to none. It will make you happier and therefore healthier!”

The Stress Epidemic!

October 31, 2007 By: John Category: Depression Causes, Stress matters 2 Comments →

It is well known that excessive stress can lead to depression!  This article makes us look at some of the causal factors of stress in our lives and how we can reduce or eliminate stress.  Read on and make sure that you do not become a “statistic.”

How To Stop Yourself Becoming Another ‘Stress Statistic’

by Jennifer Summers

The statistics are truly <<shocking>>…

* Over 19 million Americans are currently suffering
from stress and anxiety related disorders.

* Up to 75% of people in employment are dissatisfied or
unhappy with their jobs.

* Stress related accidents are increasing year on year.

* Stress levels have increased substantially in children,
teenagers and the elderly.

* The majority of people that are suffering from such
stress disorders refuse to seek medical help.

* Stress is now considered to be a key factor in health
complaints such as stomach disorders, certain cancers
and heart condition.

Stress is not simply a problem, or even an epidemic; sadly
it has now actually become a way of life for the majority
of people!

As the statistics above demonstrate, the biggest group
affected by ‘stress’ appears to be those in employment. This
doesn’t suggest we would be better off not working, merely
that working conditions are felt to have become more
demanding in recent years.

In addition to those in the workplace, children and
teenagers are also becoming more prone to anxiety, perhaps
due to ‘peer pressure’.

The aged too are increasingly becoming concerned, they are
living longer, may have financial worries and many fear for
their safety.

Modern life has become very demanding. Mobile phones mean
that we are almost always contactable; leisure time has
become reduced for many, replaced by longer working hours
and health risks have increased with a rise in cancers and
‘new conditions’ constantly being discovered.

All of us will experience situations that may cause us to
become ‘stressed’ or feel ‘anxious’.

Reasons are too many to note but can include, buying a
property, having guests stay over (in-laws!), being bullied,
exams, looking after children, managing finances,
relationship issues, travelling etc.

Stress is a ‘normal’ function of everyday life. Only when
it appears to take over our lives does it then become a

Everyone will have different reasons why a situation causes
them pressure. As a rule it’s usually when we don’t feel in
control of a situation, then we feel it’s grip tightening
around us causing us to feel worried or ‘stressed’.

If stress is caused by us not ‘feeling in control’ of a
situation, the answer is to try and reverse this, and
‘retain control’.

If you’re not happy at work, for whatever reasons, speak
with your boss and try to work out a solution that would
make you feel more comfortable.

If you don’t get on particularly well with someone you know
(partner, family, friends), rather than bottling it all up
inside – talk to them about it. You’ll either strengthen
your relationship or not but either way the problem will
be out of your system.

If you know you have an exam or deadline looming, don’t wait
until the night before to try and get everything done as
this just puts undue pressure on yourself.

Examples of stressful situations are endless and I’m sure we
can all think of many that affect us personally. Often we
spend too much time looking for answers instead of simply
analysing the cause.

Write down all the areas in your life that currently cause
you to feel stressed.

* How much is your attitude responsible rather than
external factors?

* What could you do differently to change this?

* How would you like these situations to be?

* How do you feel this can be achieved?

Try and keep your answers realistic and recognise that every
problem has a solution.


1. Experiencing a stressful situation is not uncommon.

2. Stress is a warning and should be taken seriously.

3. Look at what may be causing you to feel this way (is
it you or the situation, perhaps both).

4. Communicate – talking or writing about your issues
may help ‘get things off your chest’.

5. Finding the solution to our stress can often seem
easier ‘said than done’ but there is a solution out
there, don’t be afraid to look for it.

Don’t become another ‘stress statistic’, retain control
over your life and enjoy it.

Good luck,

Jennifer Summers

The author Jennifer Summers has developed a TOOLKIT called
“How To Find Happiness”. It comes complete with many Stress
Busting exercises & techniques, guides to Time and Anger
Management plus lots more. A must for anyone interested in
managing their stress & gaining a new perspective on life!
Check out ===>

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